By Kinship Communications on Sexta, 14 Novembro 2014
Category: Adventist News

Viewpoint: Henderson Preached and The World Did Not End

10 November 2014 | P. KEVIN WELLS | 

This past weekend my church, the Arlington Seventh-day Adventist Church, hosted the current pariah of Adventist circles, none other than Pacific Union College’s Jonathan Henderson. In case you have been under a rock for the last few weeks, Jonathan presented a sermon for PUC’s Fall Revival entitled "Adam and Steve."

The sermon caused, of course, a great stir in the Adventist blogsphere. There were those who found his sermon to be a call for compassion toward the LGBTIQ community and nothing more. There were others who heard a call for total inclusion of the community and absolute surrender of Adventist standards.  I count myself as part of the former group and not the latter. Read more...

Here is the sermon from the church's website...